The Logic of God

1 min readJun 26, 2020

Does God exist? Not sure.

Can God be foolish? No.

Can a non-foolish God create a foolish world? No.

Are we foolish creations? No.

Can a non-foolish world be complex? No.

Can non-foolish creations suffer? No.

Do we comprehend complexity & suffering? No.

Aren’t we foolish at times? Yes.

Are most mundane questions answerable? Yes.

Do we largely know ‘how to live & die well’? Yes.

Do many of us know this? No.

Aren’t we foolish to not know? Yes.

Are most subtle questions answerable? No.

Do we largely know the world? No.

Do many of us bother? No.

Aren’t we foolish to not bother? Yes.

Are subtle questions more interesting? Yes

Are they more worthwhile? Yes

Are they more rewarding? Yes

Aren’t we foolish to wallow in the mundane? Yes.

Will a non-foolish God nurture? Yes

Can a non-foolish God be mysterious? Yes.

Should we solve the grand mystery? Yes

Aren’t we foolish to bicker over trifles? Yes.

Can a non-foolish world exist? Yes

Can it be simple and/or complex? Yes

Can it ever understand a non-foolish God? Yes

Can it have many answers? Yes

Can a foolish world exist? Yes.

Can it ever understand a non-foolish God? No.

Do we comprehend God? No.

Do we comprehend the world? No.

Are we foolish creations? Yes.

Can a non-foolish God create a foolish world? Yes.

Can God be foolish? Yes.

Does God exist? Not sure.

